Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Waiting and remembering God is faithful

    As the days go by and the further we get from our trip to Uganda, the memories tend to fade like all memories do. I think of the Israelites when they settled into the land of Canaan and the many admonitions by God, for them to remember His mighty works of old. Why is remembering where you’ve been and what God had done so important? I have seen as we plough through each day’s duties, that without the moorings of God’s faithful direction of the past, I can wander aimlessly and get discouraged about the future. It takes effort to stay focused on God and remember His faithfulness to us, especially when storm clouds gather above us.

     As we walked the base, as we ate meals with the staff; the sweet spirits of all the people there challenged us. They told us their stories and how they greatly desired to go back into the Congo or Sudan, so that they might witness of Jesus’ redemptive power and His great love for each hurting individual torn by sin. They had so little, yet were willing to live where they would have even less.
    These new dear friends remembered God’s faithfulness and they could not forget those they left behind in their war-torn countries. God had spared their lives through the wars, gave them new meaning through salvation in Jesus, and healed their hearts. What about those who never heard the good news of Jesus? Our friends in Arua would not forget them.
     Now that I am ‘saved’ and safe, do I forget those left behind that still need to come out of the terror of war, the war against their souls? Do I forget God’s great miracles in my life, get comfortable in the Promised Land, and then just live for myself? Oh, God forbid.
  Our home is now for sale. The physical work of selling all is not a fun thought. We’ve been there before.   Change can be very hard. But God is so good. We are His precious children and He has carried us through many a major move, through major life threatening illnesses, through great turmoil with our family and work. He will carry us through each day ahead. He tells us that, “God is able to make all grace abound to you (to us) that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. (2 Cor. 9:8) Note, He says ‘need’, not all I may ‘want’. He gave me all I ‘needed’ even when I was sick, bedridden and hospitalized these past years. I had time with Him. Good fruit was produced there in those dark places of my life. I could rest in His loving care and I learned not to fret or complain that life was tough. Jesus was with me. Those close to me still heard moans and cries at times; but over all I valued the relationship building time I had with God as He slowed me down. I seriously prepared to go ‘home’. I was at peace with God and wanted to be at peace with all.
 It was at that point, that I cried. My heart broke over all I saw who were not at peace with God or others. I wanted to do more, so that loved ones would be in a right relationship with God and others. I wrestled with God over that. Could I do more than lie there? Yes, I could commune with God, but I had family, friends, neighbors, a world around me that needed more. God, can I do more so that the lost will love you?  It was my question then and now… 

   Everywhere we turn here, we see friends really struggling with serious life issues; friends divorcing, major illness concerns, rebellious children, loss of job or home, or worse, the loss of a child, spouse, or parent. Our hearts are very heavy in concern and prayer for them all. These weeks have been heavy and we are praying continually asking God to help each person and to also give us wisdom as to how we are to respond in love to help them. 
   We offer our help and are praying. My dear friends, “My heart grieves with you. May God lift you up and carry you through the deep waters in your life. Please remember His faithfulness of the past and the great love He demonstrated for you on the cross. ‘Fix your eyes on Jesus …who for the joy set before Him endured the cross…so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.’ (Heb.12:2,3) Hang on to Jesus, dear ones. For ‘in all these things (trouble, hardships, dangers…) we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. (Rom. 8:37) ” God does not promise that each of us will be healed, restored, or come out of all trials in this life, but He does promise to walk through all life’s storms with us. Remember God was with Israel in the desert in the cloud and fire. And He led them by the cloud and fire. And by the clouds and fire (what seems so dark, ugly and harmful), He will guide us too. And afterwards, may we remember what he saved us from and go back to share Jesus, so He may save those still captive in the war. 
      As I wrote these words the storm clouds gathered over us….  Was I remembering His faithfulness?

  When we heard God call us to Uganda we were at a good place emotionally. Progress had been made and all signs indicated all would be well for everyone in the family. But now an enemy has reared his ugly head. The attack is on. I tried to prepare for it and my heart is trying to give it all to God. Some days are a real struggle, particularly with a handicapped child. Yet, I have felt the peace of God over me saying “Remember, your times are in my hands.” All life events are in God’s loving hands. My work here is just as important as any work I could do there in Uganda. His will be done. Press on in the strength of God.

Our life has been very full as we wait for the word from Uganda that we are officially accepted; we wait for the house to sell; we wait for Katie’s paper work so she can visit; we wait for healing of children…

We wait and it is hard. Satan is not waiting and we continually feel the oppression from him. We need your prayers. We need each other. We need to pray for one another. We need to Heed the words of God and remember He is still here with us and He is faithful…”  
   (How like God to hear my heart and answer! I have been writing with a weight on my heart . And as I wrote, “we need prayer…” the phone rang.  I felt like hanging up thinking “Oh my, another phone solicitor.”, but I waited and heard the voice of a Wycliffe Bible Translators volunteer. Yes, they were calling for a donation, but I love them. We had been to their training program 30 years ago as we first pursued missions.  I told her of our plans to move overseas to work in missions. She then and there prayed for us. She has been where I am and she knew what I was feeling. Later, I again felt the heaviness of an attack and asked God for a friend to pray with. God put a name on my heart to call so I could encourage her. But God used her to pray for me. What a blessing!)

Thank you God. You are faithful. You know our deepest need. You care. You hear us and answer.
Thank you dear Jesus.
Remember His faithfulness of the past and go on in Jesus’ strength; then share Him with others.
We want to pray for you too. Please pray for us.
 Thank you.